Thursday, May 17, 2012

33 Weeks & Counting!

How far along? 33 Weeks Today!

Total weight gain/loss: 29 lbs! I'm guessing I'll gain a total of 35-40 lbs. But I've been swimming everyday after work!

Maternity clothes? I've been sticking strictly with regular clothes, mainly maxi's, dresses. I do wear cotton legging shorts under because my inner thighs like to touch one another and I don't like the feeling.

Stretch marks? nope! People ask me that ALL the time.. and I Just might have to take a photo to prove it. lol...

Sleep: Yes- Like a rock. Last night My husband and I switched sides, I mainly sleep on my left side (recommended by most Doctors & websites to avoid putting pressure on your organs)... and we both tossed and turned. BUT switching sides has been sooOOoo difficult! Hopefully I'll adjust.

Best moment this week: Enjoyed my "First" Mother's day! My Little brother had his traditional Engagement and Landon started getting Hiccups!

Miss Anything? I miss not being sweaty and out of breath. I swear I breath like a creepy crank caller.

Movement: YES!

Food cravings: I enjoy fruit, smoothies, spinach and burgers. I eat like I'm pregnant with a girl.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope.. Everything is still easy to eat!

Have you started to show yet: silly question to keep answering.. don't u think??

Gender: a handsome little man

Labor Signs: NO... but I feel my pelvis growing.

Belly Button in or out? Still in!

Wedding rings on or off? So, I did something stupid. On saturday, I decided to "see" if it would fit.. and it did. I put it on, wore it all day and haven't been able to get it off. I think I'll have to get it cut off this week and my husband was pretty upset at me for putting it on.

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

Looking forward to: Finishing up his nursery, starting our Birthing and Parenting class!

Ultrasound Update:

So Little man was super shy today! He was facing my spine and was curled up in a ball. Usually, our UStech is able to wiggle him out of his sleep, but today, he was not having it. He only let us see his hand, foot, ear and his family Jewels... here are a few photos we got.

Overall, he has a great strong heartbeat. He's measuring about 6 days ahead of schedule... that's 2 weeks ahead of his original due date. We anticipate his arrival around July 4th weekend AND they said he'll weigh about 7.5 lbs.

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