Well, I suppose I should make an official announcement for my Little McNugget.. We decided that his name would be:
Landon James Thiện Scaife
Landon has been his name since the day we got pregnant, My husband picked it out and I just let him go with it.
James is my husbands Middle Name and my Father in Law's First Name
Thiện in Vietnamese, which means “good” or “kind.” is my brothers Vietnamese name.
I love the name we picked, its strong and it sounds successful.
How far along? 25 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: total 15 lbs... I'm anxious to see how much weight I've gained at my next appointment!
Maternity clothes? yes!! But I can still fit in regular clothes... I love Targets Maternity Shirts by Liz Lang (size small), the maternity line in general fits really nice and the fabrics are super soft!! Old Navy has some super awesome stuff. their cotton Tanks are comfy and their maternity pants are great and very affordable. I buy the bottoms at old navy and the tops at forever21.
Stretch marks? Nope! So far SO GOOD!!
Sleep: yes...like a rock. Evening walks around the lake puts me right to sleep!
Best moment this week: While sitting in a meeting today, my stomach starts growling... and then the baby starts kicking like crazy.. the O.R Manager looks at me and says, "Anna, your stomach is jerking. are you ok?" and I had to tell him I was pregnant. Then, he thought I was hungry!! "Nope, I fed him before I showed up.. that's why I'm late".. apparently, he proved me wrong because he stopped the meeting (with 3 other people in the room) to give me a cookie.. after about 2 minutes, baby stopped kicking. I was mortified.
Miss Anything? This week I miss wearing my good jeans... and high heels... and sushi.
Movement: all day long.. he calms down when my husband reads to us at night.
Food cravings: fruit, juice, smoothies... cake cake cake cake.
Anything making you queasy or sick: salmon. i can't eat it. every time I eat it, I want to puke after.
Have you started to show yet: I think I'm super showing but most people tell me I'm NOT that big.. My husband thinks I'm super huge.
Gender: a handsome little man
Labor Signs: nope..
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? bands are off, engagement ring is still on.
i looove your best moment of the week!! that's too funny!