Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Losing Baby Weight and Staying Healthy

Losing baby weight is not easy.. it doesn't magically slide off on its own...

Most of you know- I was obsessed with 2 things during my pregnancy..

1. cake
2. McDonalds

but once I had Landon- I went into "GET YOUR ASS HEALTHY" mode. I didn't want to be the mom who "let herself go".. but it wasn't easy.

SO- as the 37 lbs began to shed- I did the following:

1. get some rest. Carrying a watermelon for 9 months is exhausting... pushing out that watermelon.. well- that's a different story. But- I went into full hibernation for 4 weeks per my mothers request. The minute I started labor- I was on strict orders to relax and take it easy. I wasn't to lift anything or do anything but nurse, eat and sleep for a month. It gave my body time to heal and I believe it was well worth it.

My mother, husband and mother in law did all the cleaning and cooking while I relaxed and eased into motherhood...

2. eat healthy. For my first month, I was on a strict vietnamese postpartum diet... (I'll do a post on this later) After a month of this- I moved to an all organic diet... all organic meats, veggies, fruits and grains. for a girl who ate chicken nuggets everyday- I thought I would die of starvation, but this transition was not difficult. I prepped snacks for the week to keep me fueled and it really helped. I did cut all dairy from my diet. when I do have dairy, it is organic.

3. Nurse or Pump (If you can)... I nursed Landon around the clock and still do! They say "Breast is best" and it how can you pass on burning 500 calories a day!??! 7 months and still going strong!

4. exercise- have you all met me? this word was not in my vocabulary... but after month 1- we started going on walks around the mall... at month 2- I started doing Insanity with my husband. I didn't apply myself 100%- but I did break a sweat and by month 3- I was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes. Insanity is a great work out- I really helped me tone my body and rebuild muscle tone- I was able to do it at home while landon slept and its only 45 minutes long!! By month 3, keeping up with Landon and nursing was all I needed to shed my baby weight. between month 5-7 I took a break because my wrist started to hurt... but I started up again because I wanted to continue to stay stronger.

5. Think positive... Stay Positive... believe in yourself!!

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