Monday, September 24, 2012

100 days...

He's been in my life for 100 days and any day before that seems like a lifetime ago! How did I live 32 years without him and what will I do when he goes off to college??

In 100 days, he's gone from NB sized clothes to 6-9 month clothing.

He weighs well over 15 lbs!

He now guzzles at least 5 oz per feeding.. but I'm pumping 8-10 so I'm kind of confused.

He smiles

He laughs

He blows bubbles

He burps

He farts

He's all boy

We transitioned in him into his own room- where he sleeps from 7:30PM-2:30AM and then 3:00AM-7:30AM.

He wakes up Happy and rarely cries. He is PERFECT.

He is a social butterfly. flirts with the ladies and is very alert. I hope he's not a heartbreaker.

oh 100 days- have come an gone... and we're looking forward to a lifetime of adventure with him.


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