Sunday, February 16, 2014

Toddler Activities: Noodles & Poms

It's been a while since I posted some activities... So here is our current favorite. Noodles and Pom Poms. 

What you need: 
A bin
Large pasta noodles
Assortment of colorful pom poms
Ice cube tray
Tongs and large serving spoon

This activities teach Landon about patience, concentration, sorting and transfer skills.  

I started by showing him how to scoop the poms out and sort them. 

Key words: "scoop it!" and "put it in the tray" also, "pick it up"

Positive reinforcement words, "good job buddy!" "You do it!" "Show me"

Constantly repeat, "don't eat it" and "out of your mouth!"

Once he fills his tray, I taught him how to dump and repeat. Next day, we switched and had him scoop noodles. This taught him the difference with hard and soft materials and he recognizes that a noodle different from a Pom. 



  1. where did you find those tongs? i have like 4 diff ones...many are too big..for his currently using the one from our ice box..from crate and barrel!
